Email personalisation

Unleash the power of purchase anniversary emails during the holiday season

The holiday season is a make-or-break period for e-commerce businesses, responsible for a significant share of their yearly sales and revenue. According to recent UK online shopping statistics, online shopping revenue reached an impressive £120 billion in 2022, with an expected growth of 8.3% in 2023. Additionally, the holidays play a pivotal role in many retailers’ annual revenues, contributing substantially to their profits. For small businesses, in particular, holiday sales can represent a significant portion, accounting for about 40% of annual customer transactions.

Amid such high stakes, e-commerce businesses must discover effective ways to attract and retain customers during this festive season. One powerful strategy is the use of purchase anniversary emails, targeting customers who made a Q4 purchase the previous year. A purchase anniversary email is a personalized message that not only reminds customers of their prior purchase but also encourages them to return to the same brand.

Why are purchase anniversary emails crucial?

Purchase anniversary emails hold remarkable significance for several compelling reasons:

  1. Customer appreciation:
    • These emails demonstrate that you care about your customers and appreciate their loyalty.
    • They allow you to acknowledge their past purchase by sending a thank-you note, a discount coupon, or even a free gift.
    • This gesture makes customers feel valued and special, fostering a positive brand-customer relationship.
  2. Nostalgia and positive emotions:
    • Reminding customers of their past purchase and the happiness it brought can evoke nostalgia and positive emotions.
    • Studies, such as one by the Journal of Consumer Research, show that nostalgia can increase consumers’ willingness to pay for products and services.
  3. Enhanced customer retention and loyalty:
    • Sending purchase anniversary emails increases the likelihood of customers returning to buy from your brand.
    • Customers tend to trust and prefer familiar brands, making them more likely to choose your business over competitors.
    • According to Adobe, repeat customers, while representing only 8% of site visitors, generate more than 40% of online revenue.
  4. Revenue boost:
    • Purchase anniversary emails can significantly boost sales and revenue, especially during the holiday season when customers are in the spirit of buying gifts.
    • According to Experian, these emails have an average order value that is 45% higher than bulk promotional emails.

Creating effective purchase anniversary emails

To craft effective purchase anniversary emails, follow these best practices:

  1. Customer segmentation:
    • Segment customers based on their purchase history, including what they bought, when, the amount spent, and their buying frequency.
    • This allows you to send relevant and personalized messages that align with their interests and preferences.
  2. Timing is crucial:
    • Send emails at the right time, considering your product or service type and the customer’s buying cycle.
    • For seasonal products like Christmas decorations, send emails a few weeks before the holiday season. For durable goods such as electronics or furniture, aim for a month or so before the purchase anniversary date.
  3. Engaging content and catchy subject lines:
    • Utilize engaging content and catchy subject lines to capture your customers’ attention and entice them to take action.
    • Phrases like “Happy Anniversary!”, “Thanks for your Purchase” or “It’s been a year since…” create curiosity and a sense of urgency.
    • Incorporate images, videos, testimonials, or social proof to showcase your products or services and emphasize their benefits.
  4. Clear call-to-action:
    • Include a clear call-to-action that directs customers on what steps to take next.
    • Utilize buttons, links, or icons that lead them to your website, product pages, or landing pages.
    • Consider offering incentives like discounts, free shipping, free gifts, or loyalty points to motivate them to make a purchase.

In conclusion

Purchase anniversary emails serve as a powerful conduit to connect with your customers and elevate your e-commerce sales during the holiday season. By sending timely, relevant, and personalized messages that evoke memories of past purchases and offer incentives for future ones, you can increase customer retention, loyalty, satisfaction, and, most importantly, revenue.

Elevate your holiday marketing with The Email Factory

While setting up a purchase anniversary email trigger for the holiday season is undeniably valuable, it’s a task that requires careful planning and execution. The holiday season is a bustling time, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by other priorities. That’s where The Email Factory comes in.

The Email Factory specializes in email marketing strategies and automation, understanding the nuances of holiday marketing. We can tailor your email automations to maximize engagement and conversions during this critical period. Here’s why you should consider giving The Email Factory a call:

Expertise: The Email Factory is staffed with experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of email marketing, keeping abreast of industry trends and best practices to ensure your email automations are optimized for success.

Customization: We recognize that every business is unique and will work closely with you to create personalized email automation strategies that align with your brand and target audience.
Efficiency: Timing is crucial during the holiday season, and we can streamline the process to ensure your email automations are set up and ready to go at precisely the right moment for maximum impact.

Maximizing ROI: Investing in our expertise can lead to a substantial return on investment. By optimizing your email automations, you’re more likely to see increased conversions and revenue during the holiday season.

Email Marketing

Supercharge your holiday marketing with these 5 email automations

The holiday season is a magical time for consumers and critical businesses. For marketers, it’s a period when customer interactions are at their peak, making it crucial to leverage every available tool for success. One such tool that often goes underutilized is email automation. Email automations, when optimized with a holiday twist, can be a game-changer for your marketing strategy. In this article, we will explore the power of email automations during the holiday season and how giving them a festive makeover can significantly boost engagement and conversion rates.

Harnessing the power of email automations

Email automations have become a staple in modern marketing strategies. They allow businesses to send personalized and timely messages to their audience, triggered by specific customer interactions. However, one common pitfall is the “set and forget” mentality, where these automations are left running without adjustments. During the holidays, this approach can lead to missed opportunities.

1. Abandoned cart – festive reminders to increase conversions

Abandoned carts are a pain point for e-commerce businesses year-round, but during the holiday season they can be especially frustrating. Fortunately, holiday-themed email automations can work wonders in recovering these potential sales. By capitalizing on the festive shopping mood, you can send reminders with a touch of holiday magic. Include enticing offers, limited-time discounts, or even free gift-wrapping to entice customers to complete their purchase.

It’s important to note that holiday shoppers are often in a rush, so your abandoned cart emails should create a sense of urgency. Highlight shipping deadlines to ensure that gifts arrive on time, thus motivating hesitant shoppers to finalize their purchases.

2. Browse abandonment – nurturing engagement with festive flair

During the holiday season, customers often browse through products without making an immediate purchase. This presents an excellent opportunity to convert their passing interest into sales. Your email automations can play a pivotal role in nurturing this curiosity with a festive touch.

Send follow-up emails showcasing the browsed items, along with holiday-themed product recommendations. Add a sense of urgency by mentioning limited availability or exclusive holiday offers. By doing so, you can turn those casual browsers into enthusiastic buyers who are excited to make a purchase.

3. Purchase anniversary – triggering a just in time brand engagement

Purchase anniversary emails are a highly effective automation that not many businesses utilize at all let alone during the holiday season. These emails remind past buyers of their previous holiday purchases, creating a sense of comfort and brand loyalty. By acknowledging their previous holiday purchases and offering relevant recommendations, you can drive repeat seasonal sales.

Furthermore, these emails can help position your brand as a thoughtful and customer-centric choice, which can pay off significantly during the holiday shopping frenzy.

4. Cross-sell and upsell – maximizing customer value with a holiday touch

Cross-selling and upselling are strategies that can substantially boost revenue during the festive season. When customers are already in the buying mindset, it’s the perfect time to suggest complementary or must-have holiday items. Email automations can play a pivotal role in executing these strategies effectively.

Craft personalized emails that recommend additional products based on the customer’s previous purchases or browsing history. Offer bundle deals, exclusive holiday collections, or limited-time promotions to entice customers to increase their order value. By adding a holiday touch to these offers, you can maximize customer value during the holiday shopping rush.

5. Welcome series – anticipating festive sales

Your welcome series is often the first interaction new subscribers have with your brand. It’s a prime opportunity to make a lasting impression, especially during the holiday season. Give your Welcome Series a holiday makeover to bring future sales forward by introducing new subscribers to upcoming holiday offerings and promotions.

Incorporate festive visuals, exclusive sneak peeks of holiday products, and enticing incentives to encourage new subscribers to make their first purchase sooner rather than later. By setting the holiday tone from the beginning, you can set the stage for increased engagement and conversions throughout the season.

Up-to-date holiday season e-commerce stats

Before diving into the holiday email automation makeover process, it’s essential to understand the current landscape. Here are some recent e-commerce statistics to highlight the importance of optimizing your email automations for the holiday season:

  1. Adobe expects U.S. online holiday sales to hit $221.8 billion this holiday shopping season (Nov. 1 to Dec. 31), representing 4.8% growth YoY.
  2. Email marketing remains a potent tool during the holiday season, with e-commerce emails getting higher than average response.
  3. The importance of personalized and relevant emails cannot be overstated. According to Statista, personalized emails have an average open rate of 18.8%, compared to 13.1% for non-personalized emails.
  4. A survey by Marketing Sherpa found that 72% of consumers prefer email as their primary communication channel with brands.


The holiday season is a hectic and competitive time for marketers, but it’s also a period of immense opportunity. Email automation, when given a holiday makeover, can be a powerful tool to engage customers and drive conversions. Whether you’re recovering abandoned carts, nurturing curiosity, triggering repeat purchases, maximizing customer value, or welcoming new subscribers, there’s a place for holiday-themed email automations in your marketing strategy.

However, it’s crucial not to fall into the “set and forget” trap. To fully capitalize on the potential of holiday email automations, consider enlisting the help of a professional agency. Their expertise can ensure that your email campaigns stand out from the crowd and lead to a substantial lift in conversions. Don’t miss out on the festive frenzy—supercharge your holiday marketing with email automations and watch your business thrive during the most wonderful time of the year.

Elevate your holiday marketing with The Email Factory

While optimizing your email automations for the holiday season is undeniably valuable, it’s also a task that requires careful planning and execution. The holiday season is a busy time, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with other priorities. This is where we can make all the difference.

The Email Factory specializes in email marketing strategies and automation. We understand the nuances of holiday marketing and can tailor your email automations to maximize engagement and conversions during this crucial period. Here’s why you should consider working with the Email Factory:


The Email Factory is staffed with experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of email marketing. They stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices, ensuring that your email automations are optimized for success.


Every business is unique, and the Email Factory recognizes that. They will work closely with you to create personalized email automation strategies that align with your brand and target audience.


The holiday season is fast-paced, and timing is critical. The Email Factory can streamline the process, ensuring that your email automations are set up and ready to go precisely when they will have the most significant impact.

Maximizing ROI:

Investing in our expertise can lead to a substantial return on investment. By optimizing your email automations, you’re more likely to see increased conversions and revenue during the holiday season.