Email Marketing

Sweat The Small Stuff

Introduction slide to Sweat the small stuff

We were recently asked to talk at an Email Marketing Summit by Figaro Digital and our C.O.O. Tony MacPherson presented on “Sweat the small stuff”. A look at all the nuances, the 1 percents that make the difference in email marketing campaigns. The attention to detail that really makes a difference to your bottom line, not a silver bullet but a long term strategic change.

Depicts a lozenge button in email

A look under the hood

So, this week with Black Friday in full throw we thought we would give you a sneaky look into what the presenter sees when you go to an event to see a talk on Email Marketing or CRM or any of the wonderful seminars out there. You can download Tony’s presentation here… However, this time we’ve left the presenters notes, the explanation, what Tony was seeing as he presented. This will explain the slides in a way just looking at them doesn’t.

Take a look and let us know your thoughts.