
Subject Line Analysis at your fingertips

Subject Line Analysis Tool

In some ways, a subject line can be the most important part of your email. If you don’t entice people to open your email, then they won’t click through to your website, which is pretty much the point of an email marketing campaign!

It can sometimes be tricky though to come up with the perfect subject line, and this is where A/B testing can come in – testing different types of subject lines against each other and picking the winner.

But are companies just stopping there, and not absorbing each newly gleaned bit of information about their subject line performance to trickle down to the next one? There is a wealth of information at your fingertips from historical campaigns if you just know where to look.

Well, we know where to look! Our subject line analysis tool lets you compare a planned subject line with your previously used subject lines to gauge how well it may perform.

We also have the ability, for non-clients, to compare subject lines against our entire database, which we can share the results of, whilst keeping everything anonymous.

And if that’s not enough, we can also take subject lines from your ESP campaigns and slot them into your own version of the tool.

How does it work?

All you have to do it enter your subject line (and if you are planning on using personalised fields add those inside {{ }} so they are flagged). Your proposed subject line will then be analysed by our algorithm for its component parts, including:

  • Length
  • Use of emojis
  • Use of personalisation like first names
  • Characters like exclamation marks or question marks
  • Capitalised words
  • Social media hash tags

This will then be compared against your database, and against the benchmarks set by all available data we have, so you can see how your data compares against the masses.

Then you can make an educated guess about just how successful your subject line may be.

Results and Insights

Looks like emojis are a good idea…

Emoji results

Social media too…

Social Media results

Maybe lay back on the exclamation marks…

Exclamation Mark Results

Let’s see how the top matches did…

Top Matching

Of course the more data you have, the more insight you can extract. If you’ve only ever sent one campaign with, say, an emoji it can unfairly skew the results. You need to build up a big enough pool to make tangible comparisons from to help guide your subject line building processes. Speaking of guides, we have a great one for the best way to conduct A/B testing.

Generic Insights

Maybe you haven’t started yet and just want to get a feel for what generally does or doesn’t work for subject lines. We have pulled together some more generic stats:

Generic Comparison

True, this one is a bit obvious, but we have many more where this came from – we can’t give away all the goodies for free!

If this tool piques your interest, why not contact Mike,, or Tony, for more information, or call 0131 557 7780.